About Us

You can meet more INDUSTRY buyers, sellers, investors and innovators in one day at the AI IN FINANCIAL SERVICES FORUM than anywhere else

The AI in Financial Services Forum is hosted by RegTech Analyst and FinTech Global.

We have served the global financial services, investment and technology industries for nearly two decades and built in-depth relationships with the senior decision-makers at a majority of the world’s largest financial institutions, including banks, asset management firms, insurance companies, pension funds, private equity fund managers, venture firms and family offices.

Our credibility has been built over 19 years, during which time we have provided proprietary news, analysis and customised research to our clients. At the same time, we have connected buyers with sellers, institutions with fund managers, and investors with innovators at our exclusive senior-level events.

Our extensive relationships mean we are able to attract the most senior, active decision-makers to our Summit

Our clients support us because we helped many of them build their brands, enhance their reputations, develop business partnerships and – most importantly – raise or generate literally billions of dollars in investment, revenue or cost savings.

These relationships enable us to invite the most active investors, senior-level financial services professionals and the biggest technology innovators to participate in our private or open summits, forums, roundtable meetings, breakfast briefings and webinars.

Many of the clients we work with today have been our clients for over a decade. We are not a fly-by-night event organiser, nor a monster conference company that looks to suck what it can out of the latest sector experiencing dynamic growth. We build for the long-term. We invest in the sectors in which we operate by committing substantial resources to produce insightful research. And we commit to providing superior products and services in every area.


Over 2,000 heads of compliance, technology, innovation and information security at 500 of the world’s largest and second-tier financial institutions use the RegTech Analyst platform to obtain the market and company intelligence they need as input to critical business decisions.

The RegTech Analyst platform has become an invaluable source of essential information about the latest news and research in regulatory technology, risk management and cybersecurity within financial services. The website attracts 35,000 readers each month and our newsletter goes out to 17,000 active RegTech founders, experts, compliance practitioners and regulators.

Our events are attended by senior compliance professionals in the most forward-looking and innovative financial institutions globally. Our forums are focused and exclusive. In addition, we host webinars and senior-level roundtables with selected leading RegTech organisations. We have connected countless buyers and sellers that have ultimately resulted in business partnerships, investments and transactions.

AltAssets has long-standing relationships with over 90% of major investment institutions around the world

Our AltAssets division works in the private markets space and is the world’s most widely used source of information in the private equity industry. The AltAssets website attracts more than 450,000 readers each year from over 150 countries and territories.

The AltAssets brand was established more than 15 years ago and is used by investment professionals at over 90% of all major investment institutions worldwide. We provide news and research in the global private equity, venture capital, infrastructure, private debt, real estate, renewable energy and clean technology sectors.

Our events are attended by the most senior investment professionals in the most active investment institutions and firms across each sector. Our events are focused and exclusive. Many are invitation-only, and every single one has been oversubscribed over the last 15 years. During that time, we have connected countless buyers and sellers that have ultimately gone on to execute transactions totalling billions of dollars.

FinTech Global serves over 1,000 financial institutions looking to work with, or buy from, FinTech innovators

The FinTech Global brand was established four years ago at the request of venture firms and financial institutions in our network, many of which we have had relationships with for over a decade. In a market full of hype, smoke and mirrors, we provide the facts, figures and analysis that serious investors and financial institutions need to make properly-informed investment and business decisions. We now serve the leaders of the technology and innovation divisions as well as the investment divisions at the financial institutions in our global network, providing the most comprehensive, reliable data, research and insights on all FinTech sectors, across all geographies.

FinTech Global has hosted more than 30 exclusive events to date, such as summits, forums and private meetings, across FinTech sectors including RegTech, WealthTech, PropTech, InsurTech, Blockchain and AI & ML. Again, every event has been over-subscribed and we have been privileged to welcome the most senior individuals shaping and creating the future of their industries at each event.

A substantial number of the senior compliance, technology, innovation and investment professionals who participate in our FinTech events do not attend other FinTech events. We are pleased to say they join us because they know they can meet their peers, along with genuine experts who have extensive, relevant experience, and interact with potential clients, suppliers and business partners. Most of our participants shun large, FinTech events that do not focus on the issues that matter to them and which are overpopulated by (with respect) irrelevant delegates.


Download the free AIFinTech100 report

Download the AIFinTech100 report for 2024 with details on each solution