
Founded in 1991, Sybrin has grown considerably over the past two decades to become a leading global technology company in the provision of payment and information processing solutions. Now the company is set to enter the US market – and has the identity verification market in its sights. Sybrin is a globally recognised leader in providing enterprise...
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For financial services companies that are looking to ensure a strong level of stability and regulatory compliance, technology is continuing to come up trumps as the route for them to become more efficient and effective. In the view of Antoine Moreau, head of infrastructure and managed services at Regnology, a key development in the space will...
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As the financial industry goes deep into the second half of 2023, regulatory developments in the sector continue to go on. What can we expect in H2? According to MAP FinTech senior manager of the compliance support department George Markides, in 2023 the focus is primarily on preparation as regulators globally are gearing towards the launch of...
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In a time where AI is revolutionising industry after industry, the increasing need and desire to automate compliance is becoming ever more sought after. The role of AI in financial services is rapidly increasing, with the introduction of ChatGPT causing deep ripples in the financial industry. With compliance being a permanent challenge for companies to...
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financial crime
With the financial world becoming ever more interconnected with digital and technological innovations, the spectre of financial crime looms potentially larger than ever. The new technologies gracing the market as the next big thing are numerous – and many companies are seeking out the best-of-breed to ensure they can win the future. For businesses looking...
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Since the onset of the Covid-19, the RegTech sector has witnessed a period of growth, with further growth expected going forward. What can be expected to happen in 2023? With the restrictions brought about by the pandemic, many companies were forced to move to digital models in order to maintain their businesses. This offered a...
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After noticing the pitfalls of traditional onboarding, Know Your Customer set out to transform the KYC and KYB process to one that was more efficient, provided a better user experience and delivered more robust compliance. Know Your Customer was launched back in 2015 when Claus Christensen and his fellow co-founders encountered the difficulties involved with...
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At IMTF, there is a strong shared belief that intelligent use of technology for compliance and digitisation can pave the way to a safer and more sustainable world. IMTF was founded in 1987 by Mark Büsser. After graduating from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich with a degree in aeronautical engineering, he went...
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Red Oak Compliance is uniquely positioned to understand the needs of compliance departments and the challenges they face. In an era of fast-paced regulatory requirements, the Great Resignation, and a squeeze on resources, this is invaluable. Red Oak was founded in 2010 by a team of compliance and technology experts, Stephen Pope, Cathy Vasilev, and...
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As another year ends, the RegTech sector has the opportunity to take stock on what was yet another successful year for the industry. What stood out amongst others? At the beginning of 2022, one of the key considerations for companies in financial services was regulated businesses implementing and adjusting to the European Union’s 6th AML directive....
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