
Regnology on ESG data and reporting: challenges, Europe, and the consequences of fragmentation
Regnology believes that ESG should be at the centre of a company’s activities, from finance to risk departments and credit ratings. A good ESG data strategy is key to this. What is the current status of ESG reporting? The industry is currently in a “market frenzy” when it comes to ESG and data reporting. That’s according...
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What 2023 will mean for FinTech
Last year was quite the rollercoaster. As 2023 kicks off, what will the biggest developments and trends will be? Here is a look at some of those. The financial market has taken a beating over the past year, and everyone is back into a situation of survival. The effects of this are already being felt...
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The Earth has reached its tipping point. The warning signs are loud and clear and have been for decades. Quantifying Nature has set out to mobilise positive environmental change at scale by quantifying the financial risks of climate change & biodiversity loss.  The company’s core belief is that the current information gaps and language barriers...
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Globally, companies and assets are about to be revalued upwards or downwards according to their climate risk valuation. The stakes are high and the price of getting this valuation wrong could be disastrous, companies can no longer afford to kick climate risk down the road. In a climate of constant chatter about green assets and...
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In August, financial institutions must meet a deadline for a MiFID II update that focuses on sustainability and harmonises environmental, social and governance aspects (ESG) in the investment space. everyoneINVESTED concept manager Laurent Lamblin outlines how this change could impact investing. ESG has become an increasingly dominant topic across most industries. Governments came together in...
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Established in 2017, Plan A was co-founded by Lubomila Jordanova and Nathan Bonnisseau on the belief that every company – however big or small – has the power to pave the way to a more sustainable future. According to Jordanova, the private sector is imperative in this process, “We see private companies as the most...
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