How to attract fast-growth customers in banking

How to attract fast-growth customers in banking

Technology has transformed banking into flexible system that can no longer rely on the mantra of one-size-fits all. Banks need to meet the modern demands of customers. While this might seem simple, not all customers have the same expectations and so banks need the flexibility to provide customers with the services and tools they really want.

One of the most appetising customers for banks are fast-growth companies. These are the businesses that are growing at a quicker pace than the market or standard expectations. With banking competition growing, banks need to ensure they have the services and capabilities that can attract these fast-growth customers.

Lucy Huntley, Banking Success Director at FullCircl, explained that the fast-growth customers have a number of key distinct characteristics. Firstly, they are typically technology driven and rely heavily on tools like data analytics and AI, to support their expansion. “This use of technology allows them to gain critical insights, optimise their operations, and stay ahead of competitors,” she added.

Another common feature of fast-growth customers is their scalability. “They prioritise solutions that can easily adapt and grow alongside their business, ensuring that their infrastructure supports continuous and uninterrupted expansion.” Finally, Huntley noted that fast-growth companies tend to value efficient decision-making, and this bleeds through to their banking desires. Rather than sticking to a bank with a slow and cumbersome banking process, they want a bank that can move quickly and have streamlined services.

If a bank wants to attract these fast-growth customers, they need to ensure their products can meet these defining characteristics.

Attracting fast-growth customers

Huntley explained that investing in technology is crucial to attract fast-growth customers. As part of this, banks should develop and integrate solutions that can meet the needs of these customers and keeping pace with digital innovation is the best way for them to serve as valuable partners to these fast-growth customers.

Tying into this is the need for flexibility in processes and products. Huntley said, “Fast-growth customers operate in a dynamic environment where their needs can change rapidly. Banks that offer nimble processes and flexible financial products are better equipped to keep up with fast-paced requirements.”

Finally, Huntley emphasised the importance of fostering strong relationships. Fast-growth customers aren’t simply seeking a service provider, they want a true partnership. “By developing strong relationships, banks can position themselves as long-term partners in their customers’ growth journeys,” Huntley said.

Standing out from the crowd

The financial services landscape is as competitive as ever and switching provider has become a simple task. This means banks need to ensure their services are catering to the specific needs of their clients or they risk losing them to a competitor.

For Huntley, the best way for a bank to standout from competition is through their technology offerings. For instance, banks that are offering AI-driven financial management tools, personalised dashboards and real-time analytics will provide superior user experiences and more likely to keep clients happy. But just having the capabilities is only half of the battle. There needs to be a seamless digital experience. Streamlined services offered by tech giants has increased the expectation of customers and they will stop using services that are clunky and overly complex.

Huntley said, “Banks should invest in platforms that are not only easy to use but also highly functional, ensuring that customers can access the services they need without friction. Banks that can quickly adapt to market conditions and customer needs, including offering early access to new features, are more likely to retain and attract fast-growth customers.”

One final aspect Huntley noted was security and compliance. She said, “Security and compliance remain non-negotiable aspects of online banking. Banks must implement superior cybersecurity measures and maintain strict regulatory compliance to build trust with their customers. Providing round-the-clock customer support and personalised service options, such as dedicated relationship managers, can further enhance the customer experience and differentiate a bank from its competitors.”

Misconceptions of attracting customers

Customers are all different and even fast-growth customers will have different needs and expectations of their bank. This means there is not one surefire way to attract customers, but there are some don’t dos and misconceptions about how a firm can try to attract a customer.

One of the biggest misconceptions is the neglect of a digital presence. Huntley explained that in the modern market, a strong online presence is crucial, particularly for tech-savvy clients. Firms that underplay its importance risk missing out on a sizable potential customer base. Another misconception is that firms underestimate the importance of speed in decision-making, particularly for fast-growth customers who want quick access to funds and quick responses from their providers.

However, the most important aspect to understand is that customers are all different. Huntley concluded, “The “one-size-fits-all” approach is also a flawed strategy that we see time and time again. Fast-growth customers have unique needs and challenges, and they seek customised solutions rather than generic offerings. Firms that ignore the need for customisation are unlikely to succeed in attracting or retaining these customers.”

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