The pivotal role of managers in cultivating company culture


Diligent recently spoke with Jessica Czeczuga to take a deeper look into the topic of managing culture risk. 

Jessica Czeczuga, boasting over 20 years in the training and development sector, brings her expertise to the table, focusing on domains like finance, quality, leadership, and compliance.

With an emphasis on the profound role managers play in defining company culture, she believes in the power of adequate training and the vital collaboration between compliance professionals and HR.

Managers, as Jessica states, serve as pivotal agents in moulding a company’s culture. Their frequent interaction with subordinates grants them considerable influence, making their commitment to the desired organisational culture invaluable. To ensure these managers propagate the intended culture deeply within the ranks, organisations must actively engage with them, arming them with necessary knowledge and tools.

However, equipping managers goes beyond simple information dissemination. For effective cultural management, it’s vital to create a robust training framework specifically tailored for managers. This framework should focus not only on the desired cultural nuances but also on practical implementations. Techniques like role-playing and employee dialogues can be pivotal in catalysing behavioural shifts and ensuring managers proficiently champion the intended cultural norms.

Furthermore, harmonisation between HR and compliance departments is essential. Given HR’s extensive interaction with the workforce, their collaboration in buttressing compliance and cultural directives is indispensable. This partnership allows for consistent messaging from multiple facets, making the cultural messages more resonant. HR, with its vast array of touchpoints, can also offer compliance professionals insights into tailoring culture messages for different employee echelons and guide on resolving culture-related concerns.

The crux of the matter is the undeniable influence managers wield in carving out and reinforcing an organisation’s culture. As gatekeepers of cultural values, their potential to amplify or muffle certain organisational traits is unparalleled. Therefore, it’s paramount for compliance professionals to prioritise manager training and collaborate closely with HR to propagate a cohesive cultural message. The essence lies in tangible exercises, such as role-playing, to incite behavioural modifications and ensure managers are poised to disseminate the desired cultural narrative.

To sum it up, the influence managers possess in sculpting an organisation’s culture is monumental. Their decisions can either bolster or diminish specific behaviours and principles, making them indispensable assets in shaping cultural dynamics. By fortifying manager capabilities and leveraging HR’s prowess, compliance professionals can proficiently navigate culture risks, ensuring desired ethos permeates throughout the organisation.

Read the full post here.

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