How enhanced recordkeeping solutions can secure buy-side compliance with SEC regulations

Over the past few years, the actions of the SEC have made it increasingly evident that the financial services sector, particularly the buy-side industry, is facing heightened scrutiny over its recordkeeping practices.

According to Custodia Technology, a recent example is the SEC’s legal actions against Senvest Management LLC, which underscore a significant pivot towards stricter enforcement of compliance requirements. These proceedings not only highlight the challenges of adhering to recordkeeping norms but also stress the critical role of maintaining proper communication channels within investment advisories.

This shift indicates that the SEC is broadening its regulatory lens to now include the buy-side players, underlining the need for them to adopt sophisticated, effective recordkeeping systems.

The case against Senvest Management arose due to the firm’s non-compliance with the federal securities laws concerning recordkeeping, especially in the management of electronic communications. It was found that employees across various levels of the firm frequently used unauthorised digital platforms for professional discussions, directly contravening the firm’s internal protocols.

This led to a major compliance failure as the majority of these communications were not properly documented or preserved, posing substantial risks to the integrity and transparency of the market, which are fundamental to the regulations enforced by the US authorities.

The implications of Senvest’s shortcomings are far-reaching, highlighting significant vulnerabilities within the industry’s compliance frameworks. The firm’s inability to follow the Advisers Act’s mandates, particularly those related to the preservation of communications involving securities recommendations and transactions, serves as a stark reminder of the regulatory expectations facing today’s buy-side entities. This case exemplifies the urgent need for these firms to re-evaluate and enhance their recordkeeping and communication oversight mechanisms.

For firms within the buy-side sector aiming to successfully navigate this evolving regulatory environment, the value of partnering with an adept third-party vendor is indispensable. Such vendors bring a strategic edge by providing advanced technological solutions that not only streamline compliance procedures but also strengthen the retention and security of communication records across various platforms.

Moreover, these collaborations can yield valuable business insights, further enhancing firms’ operational and compliance efficacy.

Read the full post here.

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