Optera launches Outreach to enhance supplier emissions accuracy

Optera launches Outreach to enhance supplier emissions accuracy

Optera has launched the Outreach module, a cutting-edge tool designed to refine the accuracy and accountability of scope 3, category 1 emissions.

This new software helps clients collect essential emissions data from suppliers, irrespective of their maturity levels in environmental reporting.

Users of Optera’s Supply Chain Manager have access to emissions disclosures from over 10,000 companies, which form a significant portion of their supply chains. However, not all crucial suppliers measure or disclose their emissions data. Furthermore, even those that do often fail to provide the detailed data necessary for comprehensive supply chain emissions accountability.

That’s where the Outreach module comes into play. Unlike typical survey tools that merely gather existing data, Outreach actively guides suppliers through the process of reporting, calculating, or estimating their emissions based on available information. It provides three distinct pathways tailored to supplier maturity:

  • Report: Designed for mature suppliers with existing carbon footprints, allowing them to report detailed facility-level emissions, verification statuses, and targets.
  • Calculate: Aids mid-maturity suppliers in determining their scope 1 and 2 emissions through inputted energy consumption data.
  • Estimate: Enables less mature suppliers to estimate emissions using facility specifics and industry averages.

By integrating the Outreach module into our Supply Chain Manager, companies can now assess the maturity of each supplier and craft bespoke engagement strategies to fast-track their decarbonization efforts. Moreover, suppliers gain access to a hub of educational resources, empowering them to master the module and educate themselves on carbon accounting and best practices for decarbonization.

Optera’s CEO and co-founder, Tim Weiss, underscored the significance of the new tool: “Companies have ambitious net zero targets and work with suppliers at many different stages of development and sophistication.

“The ability to close data gaps, calculate scope 3 emissions with fidelity, and increase supplier maturity gives our customers a high degree of confidence in the progress they’re making toward ESG goals.”

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