ESG Book releases ESG Performance Score to revamp sustainability assessments


ESG Book, a sustainability data and technology firm, has announced the release of its new product, the ESG Performance Score.

The company stands at the forefront of providing in-depth, transparent, and materiality-focused assessments of companies’ sustainability performance.

ESG Book developed the ESG Performance Score in response to persistent challenges in the existing sustainability ratings landscape. Current market offerings are often criticised for their lack of transparency in scoring methodologies, insufficient standardisation, and inadequate measurement of industry and sector-specific metrics.

With a foundation in the field of sustainability data and technology, the firm is dedicated to delivering robust, actionable insights into the sustainability performance of companies. They strive to drive industry progress by offering in-depth, data-driven sustainability analyses that cater to the specific needs of each sector and business.

The ESG Performance Score offers comprehensive analytics on performance and disclosure, encompassing over 450 standardised ESG and emissions metrics applied to each company. Highlighting the commitment to transparency, the product allows access to the score’s framework, data mapping, calculations, and to click through from the score level to the underlying raw data.

The ESG Performance Score not only provides sector-specific materiality but also facilitates time-series analysis by supplying point-in-time history data. This brings a new level of detail and sophistication to the understanding of a company’s sustainability performance, helping investors and corporates make better-informed decisions.

Regulatory authorities, including the EU and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK, have taken note of the aforementioned issues and have begun to respond. The EU has recently proposed that ESG ratings providers should be supervised by markets regulator ESMA, while the FCA has requested a Code of Conduct for ESG ratings and data providers.

ESG Book CEO Daniel Klier said, “We are transitioning from a world of simplistic and opaque ratings to an increasingly more advanced sustainability data landscape, and moving on from the past when a single score would be used to explain how a company is performing on ESG and climate issues.”

Further adding to the significance of the launch, Klier commented, “With the launch of the ESG Performance Score, we are empowering investors and corporates with a more accurate tool to determine financially material ESG risks and opportunities, and greater transparency to enable more sustainable outcomes.”

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