SAP Fioneer unveils ESG software for financial institutions


SAP Fioneer has unveiled a solution tailored for ESG data orchestration and calculation at both portfolio and individual exposure KPI levels.

The newly introduced solution addresses the essential need of banks and insurers to be ESG compliant. Moreover, it opens the door for them to capitalise on the significant business opportunities arising from this compliance.

As a prominent global provider, SAP Fioneer delivers top-tier financial services software solutions and platforms, equipping institutions with advanced tools and technologies to navigate the complex financial landscape.

The Fioneer ESG KPI Engine stands out as the world’s premier software that grants comprehensive insights into ESG-related portfolio data. This empowers financial entities to make well-informed, sustainable decisions across various departments. The software sheds light on real-time financial and insurance-related CO2e emissions, allowing institutions to identify transition potentials and prevent greenwashing, thus amplifying transparency and responsibility.

Offering coverage across all asset types and markets irrespective of data sourcing capabilities, the Fioneer ESG KPI Engine enhances efficiency by delivering precise calculations, streamlined data portrayal, and eradicating the tedious manual data upload process. Its standout features include real-time updates, standardisation, auditability, and automatic adaptability to fresh regulations. This not only liberates staff from mundane tasks but also allocates more hours for data analysis, spotting novel business ventures, and crafting a sustainable portfolio.

The software is in line with TCFD, CSRD, EU Taxonomy, and boasts real-time updates, ensuring impeccable regulatory adherence. Designed for 2023 reporting, it ensures data historisation, auditability, and unwavering compliance. The Fioneer ESG KPI Engine’s versatile nature means it can be integrated seamlessly into any pre-existing financial institutional framework, filling data voids using the PCAF blueprint. Whether on-premise, in a private cloud or a public cloud setup, the solution is versatile in its deployment options.

SAP Fioneer ESG Solutions CEO Maria Patschke said, “Banks and insurance companies are the biggest sources of capital, so it’s of little surprise that their ESG regulatory obligations are increasingly under the spotlight. With over USD 90 Trillion in Financed Emissions assets that are disclosed under PCAF, financial institutions naturally want to avoid the reputational risk of greenwashing – but the lack of (useable) data to analyse their portfolios is a huge concern for many.

She added, “We believe our solution represents a pivotal step towards a greener, more sustainable financial industry. By equipping financial institutions with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of ESG regulations on portfolios, loans and investments, we envision a future in which transparency and sustainability drive business decisions.”

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