
Greenomy recently took the opportunity to explain AI’s transformative role in streamlining ESG reporting for corporates.  The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) presents unique challenges for corporations across and beyond Europe. With complex requirements like gap analyses and Double Materiality Assessment, mastering these intricacies demands significant expertise. Recent statistics show only 23% of businesses have started...
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One technology that has without a doubt caught fire in 2023 is artificial intelligence. The debut of OpenAI’s ChatGPT Generative AI platform earlier this year has offered a springboard for new companies to innovate and disrupt the financial market like never before. During the recent AI in Financial Services Forum in London, key industry experts...
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US fraud volumes and losses continue their alarming annual increase, exacerbating an already worrisome trend in the financial sector.
US fraud volumes and losses continue their alarming annual increase, exacerbating an already worrisome trend in the financial sector. A new study, released jointly by PYMNTS and HAWK:AI, a leader in enterprise financial crime prevention software, points to the urgent need for innovative technologies to battle this growing menace. The report, titled “Increasing Fraud Heightens...
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Talk of artificial intelligence was once an exciting prospect. The idea of bringing a hallmark of sci-fi fantasies into the real world sparked a lot of enthusiasm. While systems might not quite be on the same level as HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey, the technology has brought a lot of changes to how businesses...
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It has been said AI is not a silver bullet to all the insurance industry’s shortcomings. So, what’s all the chatter about? Where is it best suited, and what (if any) are its limits? Artificial intelligence, although not new, has the potential to transform the insurance industry. As a centuries-old industry however, insurance is often...
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In a constantly evolving and fast-paced world, the need for insurance companies to be adaptable to changing risks has never been greater. According to InsurTech Akur8, AI is bringing this capability, allowing insurers across the board to remain in control. Founded and headquartered in Paris, Akur8 began with a small team of data scientists with one...
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Inspired by advances in machine vision, neural networks and the new possibilities for AI systems, two computer science graduates formed a team of researchers and engineers at Tractable to explore the real-world opportunities of applying deep learning to image classification. Tractable was founded in 2014 after Alex Dalyac and Razvan Ranca formed a team of...
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