Streamlining compliance: Best practices for anti-bribery measures in banking

Banks are increasingly turning to third-party relationships to tap into new technologies, services, and markets.

According to Moody’s, this strategy can boost competitive advantage and operational efficiency but also brings significant risks, including operational, compliance, financial, and strategic threats. Third-party risk management (TPRM) is critical for banks to maintain control and compliance with stringent legal and regulatory demands.

Effective TPRM helps banks identify, assess, monitor, and mitigate these risks. It’s essential in guarding against vulnerabilities like cybersecurity threats, supply chain disruptions, and compliance risks tied to stringent regulations like the GDPR, PSD2, and the forthcoming PSD3. A robust TPRM program ensures a bank’s resilience and compliance, supporting sustainable growth.

Alongside TPRM, anti-bribery and anti-corruption (ABAC) controls are crucial. These controls safeguard against legal and reputational damage, crucial in an industry where trust is a currency. Strong ABAC frameworks help banks avoid illegal and unethical practices not only within their operations but also in their third-party engagements. This includes conducting due diligence and ensuring that partners adhere to both ethical standards and legal obligations.

Moreover, effective ABAC controls are more than compliance necessities—they foster a culture of integrity and transparency within the banking ecosystem.

Moody’s suggests 12 best practices for implementing robust TPRM and ABAC controls:

  1. Develop a comprehensive TPRM framework, approved by the board, that aligns with the bank’s risk appetite and business strategy.
  2. Conduct thorough risk assessments before and during third-party relationships to gauge various associated risks.
  3. Enhance due diligence processes to evaluate potential third-party partners’ financial stability, operational capabilities, and regulatory compliance.
  4. Establish clear contractual terms defining roles, responsibilities, and compliance expectations.
  5. Regularly monitor third-party engagements to ensure they meet contractual and regulatory standards.
  6. Maintain in-house expertise to manage and monitor third-party risks effectively.
  7. Leverage technology like AI and blockchain to automate and enhance risk management tasks.
  8. Develop robust reporting mechanisms to keep senior management and the board informed about third-party risks and performances.
  9. Plan for contingencies to ensure continuity in critical third-party relationships.
  10. Prioritize data security and privacy, especially when customer data is handled by third parties.
  11. Conduct regular training for staff involved in third-party risk management to ensure they understand all regulatory requirements and best practices.
  12. Engage in continuous improvement of the TPRM framework to adapt to emerging risks and regulatory changes.

Implementing these strategies not only strengthens compliance but also enhances overall protection against the outsourcing risks associated with critical functions and services in banking.

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