Tag: CSS

Industry responses to the US’ new Anti-Money Laundering Act 2020

The US Congress passed the Anti-Money Laundering Act 2020 and could be one of the most impactful changes to AML for two decades.

What will the big RegTech trends of 2021 be?

As we say goodbye to 2020, it is time to look ahead to what 2021 will bring for the world of compliance and RegTech.

What will Brexit mean for UK FinTech?

The UK is home to one of the world's most thriving FinTech and RegTech communities, but Brexit has raised concerns about whether the future of the ecosystem is at risk.

How different RegTechs tackled the Covid-19 crisis

More than nine months into the coronavirus pandemic, different segments of the RegTech industry has been responding to the crisis in various ways.

CSS acquires AMFINE to launch end-to-end-enabled compliance reporting platform

RegTech100 company Compliance Solutions Strategies (CSS) has acquired AMFINE, a provider of SaaS-based regulatory reporting services to European asset managers, asset servicers and insurers.

How AI development could benefit from the pandemic

Business stability is the priority for most businesses at the moment and you might think investing into R&D could impact the development of tools like AI. However, this might not explicitly be the case and AI could benefit from the situation.

What can RegTech companies learn from how regulators have acted during...

Regulators around the world have issued emergency measures to safeguard the economy from the coronavirus fallout. But what can RegTechs learn from it?

The UK witnessed record funding in 2019, could the coronavirus mark...

The UK’s RegTech sector has nearly grown eight-fold since 2015. 2020 has been a weird year for everyone, but it could prove beneficial for the RegTech space and help it continue to grow in the UK.

The coronavirus represents a “return to chaos” that could benefit FinTech...

COVID-19 has plunged financial markets into chaos, but the pandemic also represents both challenges and opportunities for FinTech companies as they adjust to a whole new reality.

Will cybersecurity remain the biggest RegTech sector in the world?

No other RegTech sector has attracted as much investment as cybersecurity companies – and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to change anytime soon.

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